Impact of satellite motion on two-way satellite time and frequency transfer
所属领域: 先导专项—精密测量领域监测服务
资源类型: 时频前沿探索 / 远距离时频传递
文献作者: Hongwei, S; Imae, M; Gotoh, I
文献发表年份: 2003
文献摘要:The impact of satellite motion on two-way satellite time and frequency transfer (TWSTFT) is analysed. Due to the two distances from two stations to the satellite being different, the non-reciprocal paths are produced, which impact the accuracy of TWSTFT. Choosing a satellite for which both elevations are about the same can minimise the effect, or offsetting the transmission time can eliminate this. In addition, due to Earth's rotation and the finite signal velocity, the non-reciprocal paths are also produced, and the error mainly results from the aviation of the satellite longitude and altitude.
文献类型: Article
文献语种: English
文献作者地址: Commun Res Labs, Time & Frequency Measurements Grp, Appl Res & Standards Div, Tokyo, Japan

