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GCD TechPort Data Sheets Thermal Protection System Materials (TPSM) ProjectThe Thermal Protection System Materials (TPSM) Project consists of three distinct project elements: the 3-Dimensional Multifunctional Ablative Thermal Protection System (3D MAT) project element; the Conformal Ablative Thermal Protection System (CA-TPS) project element; and the Heatshield for Extreme Entry Environment Technology (HEEET) project element. 3D MAT seeks to design, develop and deliver a game changing material solution based on 3-dimensional weaving and resin infusion approach for manufacturing a material that can function as a robust structure as well as a thermal protection system. CA-TPS seeks to develop and deliver a conformal ablative material designed to be efficient and capable of withstanding peak heat flux up to 500 W/ sq cm, peak pressure up to 0.4 atm, and shear up to 500 Pa. HEEET is developing a new ablative TPS that takes advantage of state-of-the-art 3D weaving technologies and traditional manufacturing processes to infuse woven preforms with a resin, machine them to shape, and assemble them as a tiled solution on the entry vehicle substructure or heatshield.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Ames Research Center
Document Type
Chinnapongse, Ronald L.
(NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA United States)
Date Acquired
November 26, 2014
Publication Date
May 13, 2014
Subject Category
Fluid Mechanics And Thermodynamics
Composite Materials
Report/Patent Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
Woven TPS
Thermal Protection System
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