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  • 1   2016-10-18 存储 (编译服务:基础与交叉前沿领域监测服务)     


    来源机构: | 点击量:2625
  • 2   2016-10-18 化学键的艺术 (编译服务:基础与交叉前沿领域监测服务)     

    [+]扩大新揭示基于电子密度的计算工具,称为密度重叠区域指标或通,由蕾 Corminboeuf 和彼得 · 德席尔瓦在瑞士联邦理工学院洛桑,使得研究人员能够同时揭示的键合类型和非共价相互作用在许多类型的分子系统;蓝色和红色显示区域的高和低电子密度重叠,分别。 来自︰ 蕾 Corminboeuf N.。

    来源机构: 化学工程新闻网 | 点击量:2697
  • 摘要:

    应用程序打开了货款 LARC PROLAB 2017 年。 货款 LARC PROLAB 2017 PROLAB 程序旨在促进科学合作和拉丁美洲和加勒比神经科学研究群体人力资源的开发。PROLAB 使用神经科学网络的区域,并提供经济支持的联合研究项目。它的主要目标是减少不对称现象发展的神经科学在大陆,从而建立了研究组 t......

    来源机构: 国际脑研究组织 | 点击量:2694
  • 摘要:

    国际发展事务大臣安东尼 · 帕特尔犯新的支持,以解决在海地霍乱的威胁下,确保更多的生命可以保存在毁灭性飓风之后。 此外,作为主要的资助者向全球疫苗免疫联盟 — — 疫苗联盟,国际开发部支持 100 万剂向海地霍乱疫苗立即装运。 英国也带头呼吁其他捐助者,加强他们对飓风的反应。国务秘书将这...

    来源机构: 英国商业创新技能部 | 点击量:2715
  • 5   2016-10-18 塑料包装成本。 (编译服务:基础与交叉前沿领域监测服务)     

    [+]扩大更多,更多的可用存储区中的食物在高科技塑料包装等多层膜。 信用︰ 杨 H.Ku / C & EN 更多和更多的可用存储区中的食物进来等多层膜的高科技塑料包装。 信用︰ 杨 H.Ku / C & EN 所做的更改有发生得如此缓慢,大多数消费者甚至没注意到的但大量的塑料已经跑到了超市的货架。购物者抛大量塑料......

    来源机构: 化学工程新闻网 | 点击量:2649
  • 摘要:

    Michael Fallon has announced that a Short Term Training Team of around 40 UK military personnel has arrived in country to provide training on Operational Planning, Intelligence and Surveillance and mobile patrolling, which will help Tunisia counter illegal cross-border movement, particularly from neighbouring Libya. The training, led by 4th Infantry Brigade, involves both theoretical and practical exercises that will assist the Tunisians to better guard their land borders, and will be deli...

    来源机构: 英国商业创新技能部 | 点击量:2614
  • 摘要:

    Certainly. I think all major technology companies are fundamentally driven by innovation, and Bruker is no different. Our level of investment in research and development is amongst the largest for technology companies. We have also formed a collaborative network with the leading research groups and institutions in the world.

    For example, we have a long-standing relationship with Paul Hansma, Cal Quate, and Christopher Gerber. All three of them are basically founding fathers of AFM, and we are working with them constantly.

    This network serves two main purposes: firstly to keep abreast of the latest developments at the cutting edge of the technology itself, and secondly to recruit talent from the institutions we work with, to maintain an environment of innovation.

    As a result of our R&D efforts, we have generated the largest patent portfolio in the AFM field. We have also released more new products than any of our competitors – with multiple major new products launched every year.

    Experimental data of force curves for a cantilever operated in PeakForce Tapping. The lever is driven by a sinusoidal wave and the curves are displayed as force versus time and force versus distance. (Images from Bruker Application Note #133.)

    来源机构: | 点击量:16648
  • 8   2013-12-17 纳米结构特征 (编译服务:基础与交叉前沿领域监测服务)     

    This book provides an understanding of the fundamental concepts of characterisation techniques for nanomaterials such as graphene, fullerenes, carbon nanotubes and quantum dots. The authors have nicely presented the complex theory of the physical techniques in a simple manner that will have immense benefit for the nanoscience community.

    In the preface, the authors justify the need for this book with an ‘unscientific’ Google search of nano key words, indicating a want of nanocharacterisation literature. The number of researchers, journals and the corresponding publications related to nanoscience and nanotechnology is growing exponentially; however, very few books have been published with comprehensive information on the various characterisation techniques.
    The book is divided into three parts. The first part contains a general introduction to nanoscience and nanotechnology followed by the theory and practical techniques of several characterisation methods. Applications of characterisation techniques are introduced in the second section, which contains a full exploration of beautiful nanostructures such as tubes, wires, sheets, spheres and semiconductor quantum dots. Finally, the authors present the strategic and practical aspects of sample preparation, method selection and cost-effectiveness, which will benefit new members of the nano community.
    This book will be a valuable asset to students and newcomers to the field. Nanoscience researchers will also benefit as it covers the theory, techniques and applications from basic to advanced levels with up to date bibliographic information.
    The book’s only drawback is that it does not cover porous materials – from nano to micro to mesoporous and hierarchical structures, although the authors do mention the differences between pore diameters in the first chapter.
    来源机构: CRC press | 点击量:8803
  • 摘要:

    富勒和富勒烯形成从冷凝碳气体恒星外流和意蕴的星尘的条件下。A、 b、 1,保罗 · w · 扣篮。让 · 约瑟夫 · Adjizian c、。弥敦道 K.Kaiser b、。John P.奎恩 b、。格雷戈里 T.Blakney b、。克里斯托弗 · P.Ewels c、 1。A、 b、 1,Alan G.马歇尔和。哈罗德 · 克罗托 a 1。化学和生物化学,佛罗里达州立大学,塔拉哈西,佛罗里达州 32306 ; aDepartment.全国高回旋共振程序 bIon......

    来源机构: 美国科学院院报 | 点击量:5358