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Pre-announcement for Alliance Missions: Anthropogenic greenhouse gas research

General news Professors Alliance

July 19, 2022

 We are pleased to announce that Alliance Missions is returning with a new and exciting challenge to help address climate change, focused on anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This call will support the goals of the 2022 Federal Budget that prioritizes Canada’s ongoing efforts to fight climate change and protect the environment by taking bold and immediate action to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, while strengthening the Canadian economy with sustainable jobs and clean industrial growth.

The call will target interdisciplinary, collaborative research projects supporting net-zero GHG emissions targets. Projects must involve at least one partner organization that can be recognized for cost sharing.

Approximate timeline:

  • August 2022: Call for proposals launch
  • September 2022: Letters of Intent deadline
  • November 2022: Application submission deadline
  • March 2023: Project start date

Please stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks and share this information with other individuals who may be interested in this news. If you have any questions, please contact Alliance-Missions@NSERC-CRSNG.GC.CA.

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