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Yara introduces YaraAmplix Biotrac biofertilizer at Show Safra 2024qrcode

Mar. 28, 2024

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Mar. 28, 2024


Yara, the multinational plant nutrition company presented YaraAmplix Biotrac during this year's edition of Show Safra, which AgroPages attended.


Focusing on corn cultivation, the product features natural ingredients such as seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum and plant extracts. This liquid fertilizer aims to provide targeted effects, such as increased tolerance to abiotic stress, improved nutrient use efficiency, yield, and crop quality.

According to the manufacturer, YaraAmplix Biotrac provides Nitrogen, Potassium, Zinc, Boron, and Organic Carbon. Severe Zinc deficiencies are common in environments with high levels of Phosphorus in the soil. 


Additionally, the product contains Boron, which is essential for cell wall formation, providing better leaf and fruit finishing. The innovation also contains Nitrogen and Potassium to aid in plant development and their commercially valuable parts, such as leaves and fruits.

Yara also highlighted its portfolio of nutritional solutions for increasing productivity and profitability in the Midwest region of Brazil. 

Guilherme Terribilli.jpegAccording to Guilherme Terribilli, commercial director of Yara Brazil, "Show Safra is an important space for knowledge exchange and for presenting to our customers and partners the innovation of our nutritional solutions lines for the region's main crops."

"We continuously invest to make the farmer's daily life easier and contribute to the entire production chain," he told AgroPages. According to Terribilli, Yara is committed to offering high-value-added and high-technology nutritional solutions.

yaraamplix_biotrac_1.jpgAt the event, the company showcased the MaisMays Program, which offers greater nutritional balance and efficiency in the corn cultivation stages, and the MaisFibra Nutritional Program, which operates from cotton planting to harvesting, ensuring superior quality, more safety, productivity, and profitability.

Cotton demands efficient solutions to maximize production and crop quality. One of the company's highlights for the culture is YaraLiva Nitrabor, a fertilizer that presents unique characteristics and combines nitrate nitrogen, calcium, and boron. This form of nitrogen is less volatile and emits less CO2, contributing to environmental preservation. Additionally, nitrates promote root growth and better nutrient uptake, while calcium and boron are vital for plants, promoting more flowers and fruits of higher quality.

(Editing by Leonardo Gottems, reporter for AgroPages)

Source: AgroNews


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