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编译服务: 基础与交叉前沿领域监测服务 编译者: 刘建华 编译时间: 2015-4-28 点击量: 16618

Certainly. I think all major technology companies are fundamentally driven by innovation, and Bruker is no different. Our level of investment in research and development is amongst the largest for technology companies. We have also formed a collaborative network with the leading research groups and institutions in the world.

For example, we have a long-standing relationship with Paul Hansma, Cal Quate, and Christopher Gerber. All three of them are basically founding fathers of AFM, and we are working with them constantly.

This network serves two main purposes: firstly to keep abreast of the latest developments at the cutting edge of the technology itself, and secondly to recruit talent from the institutions we work with, to maintain an environment of innovation.

As a result of our R&D efforts, we have generated the largest patent portfolio in the AFM field. We have also released more new products than any of our competitors – with multiple major new products launched every year.

Experimental data of force curves for a cantilever operated in PeakForce Tapping. The lever is driven by a sinusoidal wave and the curves are displayed as force versus time and force versus distance. (Images from Bruker Application Note #133.)

